Another typical situation in my pharmacy:
Customer: My friend doing direct selling tells me the vitamin E i bought from u previously is no good. It is not natural and contains harmful chemical.
Pharmacist: ? Which brand?
Customer: This..
Pharmacist: Is it? Where?
Pharmacist: Ya. It stand for registration numbers.
Customer: U see the C behind the MAL? That one stand for chemical. My friend told me only certain people know about this secret code. Now i know which brand to buy.. Direct selling products good because they dont have the "C"
Pharmacist: ....mmmmm.....( in cartoon or movie, the pharmacist would have collapsed)
Ask the pharmacist:
1) Here i will reveal the so called secret code: (Pls note that the code is only known by few people including pharmalogik readers, pls keep it as secret)
A: Scheduled Poisons (only can get from pharmacy)
X: Non-scheduled Poisons (over the counter products)
T: Traditional Medicines
K: Cosmetics
C: Contract Manufactured (made in malaysia under contract)
E: Export Only
R: Repacked (products available in foreign countries with different labelling and package)
S: Second source (also available in other places)
2) Do you know that our ministry also change the label of medicine box from POISON into CONTROLLED MEDICINE?
Hahah fren ask me get antifungal cream for him but in the end he ask why i give him wan him to die.
sometimes really 'sien'. i agree with TED, like we want to make him die.
40D also poison, should put one label there. HEHE
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