Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jaundice in baby

Jaundice is a yellow discoloration of the skin and eye's white caused by bilirubin. Bilirubin is formed when red blood cells are broken down and cleared through liver and then goes out from the butt. When the rate of productions is higher than the rate of excretions, bilirubin will be deposited on the skin causing yellow discoloration. Jaundice is common in premature infants, especially those born before 37 weeks. There are two types of jaundice.

Physiologic jaundice-
affect all newborns, between 72-96 hours after birth and goes away by one to 2 week after birth

-more serious, developed within 24 hours of life

The baby does not feel discomfort or pain, but elevation of the bilirubin level may cross to the brain and cause reversible acute bilirubin encephalopathy or permenant damage named kernicterus.

Baby with mild jaundice may not required treatment. Only those with level >12mg/dL required treatment. Main treatment is phototherapy which the baby's skin is exposed to bright lights. Side effect of phototherapy are rashes, loose stools, overheating or dehydration. Monitoring the number of wet diapers and checking the body temperature is important. Some baby may develop into grayish brown discoloration called bronze baby syndrome but it is not harmful and they will recover after several weeks.

Mr Kok Can goats milk help for my baby's jaundice?
1) Goat milk contains primarily medium and short chain fatty acids so it is digested more eaily compared with cow milk. But it is usually deficient in iron and vitamin D. Therefore make sure your goat milk is fortified with iron and vitamin D before u purchase.
2) No harm to try goats milk, but still breast milk is the best.

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